
is a location & activity monitoring technology based on Sigfox LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network)

Want to try it ?

Want to try it ?

It's easy, contact us by this form and explain to us what is your project and your constraints.

Even if we provide devices and an IoT api-based plateform, our objective is not to sell a generic use device but to a technical solution you can implement easily in your own vertical.

Stuck in a IoT tracking project ?

Near one hundred customers in worldwide believes and use our solution.



foxtrackr can be used in severals situations and could be integrated easily in your own products.

Never lose a loved one

Never lose a loved one

A position tracker positioned on a collar for your pets
Track your fleet !

Track your fleet !

Integrated inside or outside the vehicle, with a battery or in solar mode
For the well-being of seniors

For the well-being of seniors

Ensure an activity or even locate dependent persons.
Protect against theft

Protect against theft

Track equipment, detect movements during periods of inactivity to prevent theft

Contact us

Whether you're looking for answers, would like to solve a problem, or just want to let us know how we did, you'll find many ways to contact us right here.

Our company IngeniousThings

FOXtrackr is a trademark of IngeniousThings ( We are innovating, designing and bringing smart objects on market.

Born four year ago when sigfox just rised, our team is focusing on developing innovative concepts, objects and market approach. During these past years we have created a large experience on LPWAN and built different technology bricks based on SigFox network. We have designed a mix of objects in smart home domain (, agricultural (martin – farm animal protection), mood capture (, boat monitoring…


22 Allée Alan Turing 63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND


+33 7 56 79 56 93
