GPS and activity monitoring solution available as a device or as a freemium technology
for being integrated in your own products.
Foxtrackr is a location & activity monitoring technology. Even if we provide devices and application, our objective is not to provide a generic use device but to propose a technical solution you can implement in your own vertical.
For this we are distributing Foxtrackr as an IP you can use for free once flashed in a Telecom Design TD1204 / TD1205 device. You can also make your own devices based on our schematics for free. You can also use our API to build your front end solution and demonstrate your market. This offer is particularly startup oriented as a way to help them to demonstrate and experiment with no investment cost in the technology.
Depending on deployed number of devices, our technology is under IP retribution per device (one shot) and per year for communication/api services including maintenance.
We are providing a solution optimized for power consumption even in low GPS coverage situations. Foxtrackr behaviour is on demand based on your application need, configuration (and reconfiguration) is also possible remotly. Communication is bidirectionnal.
The modularity and the compact form factor allow to integrate it in different ways and form factor. We are fully able to create custom behavior depending on your need in our firmware.
Autonomy can run from 1 year to 15 days depends on the desired configuration on a simple small 350mAh battery.
We are also expert on providing solar power solution with no battery limit based on a single small solar panel. A new version dedicated for this use will be soon released and add in our product list.